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4 Storage Tilt Bins 600mm x 178mm x 206mm (4-Tilt Bins combined) W x D x H


Storage Tilt Bin 600mm x 178mm x 206mm (4-Tilt Bins) W x D x H
Buy one set @ €53.50 each
Buy Ten sets & €47.99 each
code STB6004
Optimum storage for small items in workshops, kitchens, offices, studios, and high intensity settings. This 4 tilt bin container comes complete with locking to ensure maximum security of items when not in use or in mobile situations. All 4 bins tilt out to a 45-degree angle and remain there while in use with ease. Bins close and lock in place firmly with help of the lock bar without problem.
All 4 bins are easily removable for use or for cleaning purposes and work well with brand and generic name surface and glass cleaners without smudging or spots from drying. Each tilt-bin is transparent which allows for instant ease of identification and come with identification tags for further use on individual bins. Container is durable and resistant to damage from impact, overuse, weather, and heat conditions making it perfect for use across low and high intensity settings. It mounts easily to a variety of surfaces in a variety of environments and the geometric design fits in well with existing storage units. This 4 tilt-bin container with locking bar is an excellent and pristine looking piece of storage equipment suitable for use in home or professional settings.
Individual Bin Width is 135mm
Label Slot:
1. Clear label space for labeling
2. Easily Stackable and Storable
3. Holes for easy-to-bolt to wall
4. Smooth solid sides and well formed grip troughs
5. Durable plastic to protect contents
6. Transparent for easy use visually

Buy one set, Buy Ten sets


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