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Countertop Dump Bin manufactured from high quality styrene


Countertop Dump Bin manufactured from high quality styrene
Encourage impulse buys by displaying small loose items on counters
The clear and spacious design makes shopping easy for your customers.
Does my business need a Countertop Dump Bin ?
This style of Countertop Dump Bin is ideal for impulse buys around your store or at the till. The counter standing designed means even if you don’t have the space for a floor standing wire basket dump bin, you can still introduce impulse buys to your business.
What items should I display in my countertop dump bins ?
These counterstanding retail display bins are ideal for stuffing with smaller products to encourage impulse buys, such as confectionery, cosmetics or accessories. This attractive sales aid takes up little space yet can hold plenty of products.
How is the Countertop Dump Bin constructed ?
The retail display aid is supplied in two parts, which easily slot together for a quick assembly.


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